Remittances from abroad and Brain drain

As opposed to foreign aid; laden with conditions and accessed through bureaucratic channels, remittances have an immediate effect in the standard of living of the recipient and the immediate family.

But before Kenya starts to view immigration as one of its major exports it has to be considered that sectors losing personnel include the health industry which has a direct impact on the health of the nation

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Beware the cookie-a review of privacy law

The rules on cookies and ecommerce in the UK changed at the end of May. This is largely due to a 2009 EU Privacy directive which reviewed privacy law. The change is intended to give individuals more of a say over what information is held on them. One way in which information is held is through cookies, small text files which hold information on visitors to websites

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The google case: The fear of tracking

By Emma Peart Google have faced criticism through suggestions it has held data on users without their knowledge. Brown et al v. Google involves individuals using Google’s mobile phone technology who are bringing an action against Google for storing information on users through this technology without consent. Mobiles using the Google Android Operating System are recording and storing comprehensive details

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Regulating Traffic Management-An EU Perspective

Telecommunication can play a large part in intellectual property, and the European Union has given an acknowledgement of this today.

It has announced it will be looking at the online data traffic management practices of telecommunications operators. Information provided suggests that the investigation will focus on what information telecommunications operators give consumers about the way they manage internet traffic:“traffic management”.

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Insurance against piracy for shipowners in Germany

By: Carsten Lexa, LL.M. A group of German insurers will help shipowners in cases of war risks. For the first time, shipowners in Germany can get insurance against war risks. Shipowners will be able to insure their cargo ships against the consequences of martial conflict and pirate attacks. Normally, German shipowners insure their cargo ships against these risks in London

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