Is it legal to pay a woman a different salary than a man for equal work?
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules that it is OK legal to pay women a different salary for the same work as a man. Yes, really!!
“Commercial Awareness Is Global.”
By Ainsley Brown on
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules that it is OK legal to pay women a different salary for the same work as a man. Yes, really!!
By Ainsley Brown on
The law as an economic development tool - really? Then I though yes, really! The law or better put the rule of law is a critical, if not the critical, piece of soft infrastructure that makes everything else work. No development - economic, social or environmental - can be sustained without the rule of law.
By Ainsley Brown on
It is Emancipation Day. If you still don’t understand the importance of the day and my subsequent mood, please do a Google, Bing or Yahoo search – or whatever search engine you use – and look it up.
By Ainsley Brown on
By Emma Peart Google have faced criticism through suggestions it has held data on users without their knowledge. Brown et al v. Google involves individuals using Google’s mobile phone technology who are bringing an action against Google for storing information on users through this technology without consent. Mobiles using the Google Android Operating System are recording and storing comprehensive details… Continue reading "The google case: The fear of tracking"
By Ainsley Brown on
By Charles Wanguhu The Alien Tort Claims Act was adopted in 1789 as part of the original Judiciary Act. The Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA) allows foreign victims of human rights abuses to sue perpetrators in United States courts. In a recent development in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Shell, the the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected outright… Continue reading "The Death of Alien torts ?"
By Ainsley Brown on
By: Ainsley Brown As previously reported in another post, four white farmers who had their farms unlawfully seized under the regime of President Robert Mugabe are to seek and by all accounts gain compensation in South Africa. Well, I am please to report that the farmers have indeed gotten – some measure of – justice in South Africa. Justice for the… Continue reading "White Zimbabwean Farmers To Get Justice In South Africa II"
By Ainsley Brown on
By: Ainsley Brown Four white farmers who had their farms unlawfully seized under the regime of President Robert Mugabe are to seek by all accounts gain compensation in South Africa. A South African court has ruled recently that the farmers have the right to seek out and seize Zimbabwean government property in South Africa. The North Gauteng High Court ruled… Continue reading "White Zimbabwean Farmers To Get Justice In South Africa"
By Ainsley Brown on
By: Ainsley Brown This forms part of the Middle Passage Law Series on Law Is Cool. American International Group, better know by its acronym AIG, it seems these days can rarely catch a break. It just seems negative news follows negative news for this company. This time the negative news for this too big to fail company – deeply wounded… Continue reading "Two AIG Subsidiaries Agree To Settle Racial Discrimination Case"
By Ainsley Brown on
By Charles Wanguhu Churches are once again taking the lead in ethical investing. A short while ago I wrote about the catholic church pulling out of a fund which was found to have investments in defense, contraception and other companies contrary to the catholic faith. Consequently the Church of England has sold its £3.8 million stake in Vedanta Resources,… Continue reading "Ethical investing vs. Shareholder activism"
By Ainsley Brown on
By: Ainsley Brown While terrorism, terror financing and constitutional principles such as the rule of law and Parliamentary supremacy are not the usual subjects covered here at Commercial Law International, this seeming break from tradition is in fact not such a stretch. As our moniker indicates Commercial Awareness is Global – it is important to note and as will soon… Continue reading "The UK Supreme Court Rules Government’s Terrorist Asset Freezing Powers Illegal"