The new “Digital Council” in Germany — Panel of “warm words” or powerful council of experts?

The digital transformation offers enormous opportunities for the people in Germany and for society. In order for everyone to be able to participate, the federal government of Germany must set the right political course. But this is exactly what has been the problem in recent years: too little impetus, too hesitant action, too small initiatives. But now everything should be

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Digital intelligence is the future of work and why storytelling is more important that ever in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. – Albert Einstein The ability to not only collect but to analyze, visualize and weave information together into a compelling story is a powerful skill in today’s information age. This is especially true when displayed and shared on

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Seeing logistics differently Augmented Reality: enhancing business processes and outcomes

Augmented reality (AR) is: “the process of superimposing digitally rendered images onto our real-world surroundings, giving a sense of an illusion or virtual reality,” is literally changing the way we view things. The impact of AR on all parts of life, from  the  world of work, to school, to entertainment is still relatively small however it is still early days

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The future of work in the Fourth Industrial Revolution The Fourth Industrial Revolution isn't about machines but about humans

If we are to seize the opportunities, and avoid the pitfalls, of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we must consider carefully the questions that it raises. We must rethink our ideas about economic and social development, value creation, privacy and ownership, and even individual identity. – Klaus Schwab (Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum Geneva) The future of work – the Fourth

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Innovation in logistics and supply chain management: Blockchains interconnecting value

“data is becoming a new asset class—one that may trump previous asset classes.” ― Don Tapscott In the simplest of terms blockchain technology is simply a database. Yes, a database! And what do databases do? They store information. Simple. If it is that simple then what is all the hype about? Well, blockchains are no ordinary database but a decentralized

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Regulating online content Join the policy debate, your future may depend on it

I don’t pretend we have all the answers. But the questions are certainly worth thinking about. – Arthur C. Clarke The question is not if we should regulate online content. Content is already regulated to a lesser to greater extent, mainly lesser, but regulated non the less. The open question then remains: is how do we as societies find the right

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The future of work in the fourth industrial revolution rests in combining skills Storymaping an example of future skills combined

​“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” ― Robert Greene Storymaps are an authoring tool and technique used to tell a story that involves maps, places, locations, or geography. They are internet-based applications that let authors combine beautiful maps with narrative text, images, videos and social media. The applications are designed to

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Why Germany needs a ‘Ministry of Digitalisation’? ...and how a petition might change everything

Politics and businesses in Germany have been in agreement for a long time: digitization will change all areas of life and many of the aspects of the economy. Nevertheless, the future federal government of Germany is not planning to establish a Ministry of Digitization. This can endanger the future of Germany as a country, its businesses and its society. In

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The Internet of Things: the revolution is here! Innovation in logistics and supply chain management

We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before –  Klaus Schwab The information age or the data economy or the fourth industrial revolution or the Internet of Things,  call it what

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Data: the fuel powering business innovation in the fourth industrial revolution Using location data to create value and wealth

Some estimates say the global market for core geographical information will exceed $13bn (£9.6bn) by 2025.   – Consultancy firm Navigant. It is easy to see why many claim that data is the new oil. And it’s true. The use of data to power business is everywhere and growing.  Just “think of Uber, Deliveroo, Airbnb, the development of driverless cars, and

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