Seeing logistics differently Augmented Reality: enhancing business processes and outcomes

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. - Wayne W. Dyer Click To Tweet

Augmented reality (AR) is: “the process of superimposing digitally rendered images onto our real-world surroundings, giving a sense of an illusion or virtual reality,” is literally changing the way we view things.

The impact of AR on all parts of life, from  the  world of work, to school, to entertainment is still relatively small however it is still early days yet.  However, it is not hard to imagine how its application will change the world.

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Absolutly fascinating: application of augmented reality to the conference brochure of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance (G20 YEA) Summit 2017 in Berlin. By scanning the pages of the brochure with a special app the delegates were able to unlock additional content like this video with a welcome message that was projected directly onto the brochure. —————————————— Faszinierend: Augmented Reality, angewendet auf die Konferenzbroschüre des G20 YEA Summits in Berlin. Durch Scannen der Seiten der Broschüre mit einer speziellen App konnten die Delegierten zusätzliche Inhalte entschlüsseln, wie dieses Video mit einer Grußbotschaft, das direkt auf die Seite projiziert wurde. —————————————— #g20yea2017 #g20yea17 #g20yeasummit #G20YEASummit2017 #augmented #augmentedreality #AR #fascination #Summit #projection #video #welcome #message #welcomemessage #Berlin #WJD #Wirtschaftsjunioren #Deutschland #Germany #media #WirtschaftsjuniorenDeutschland #JCI #digital #Digitalisierung #App #brochure #hiddencontent #hidden

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One of the areas of application that AR is already having an impact and will have a revolutionary impact is in logistics and supply chain management.  The efficiencies and productivity that can be extracted from the use of augmented reality in how our goods, and services get to us, I believe are untold.

I would go one step further and say that augmented reality is a technology that demonstrates why job in a previous post I wrote: “As the Fourth Industrial Revolution continues to evolve the future of work will increasingly be defined by the use of digital technology not to simply supplant humans but to augment human ability and experiences.” 

And I would go further and say that augmented reality and particularly its use in logistics and supply chain management is a perfect example why the threat of massive job losses in the Fourth Industrial Revolution are often exaggerated.

augmented reality and particularly its use in logistics and supply chain management is a perfect example why the threat of massive job losses in the Fourth Industrial Revolution are often exaggerated Click To Tweet

Just because part of a job i.e. a discrete task or tasks are automated or digitized doesn’t necessity mean that  that job has now become obsolete. As, AR demonstrates in logistics and supply chain management the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

To see exactly how augmented reality is changing the world of work and making us see logistics differently please click on my presentation below. Spoiler alert  its all about augmenting existing human abilities.




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