Art As An Option: An Alternative Form of Investment

By: Ainsley Brown The use of art as an investment is not a new concept, whether it is commissioning a piece for your self or buying existing works, art as an investment is centuries old. But what about investing in the right to buy an artist’s future works; that is as yet to be conceptualized future works? Don’t think it

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Litigation As An Investment Vehicle In Canada: An Introduction

By: Ainsley Brown In a pervious post – Litigation … A New Investment Vehicle – I introduced you to the Therium, a third party litigation fund in England that was using litigation as an investment vehicle. At the time I thought Therium was a brilliant idea and this is position I still maintain. Despite my praise, maybe because of it,

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Japanese Gov’t Mulls Over Radical Change To Inheritance Tax Policy

By: Ainsley Brown In a move to boost its faltering economy, the Japanese government is considering a radical alteration of its inheritance tax regime. The policy, if implemented and if it has the desired effect, could see trillions of yen being transferred from elderly savings conscious Japanese to their more free-spending children or grandchildren. The policy basically boils down to

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Solar Wars: The Solar Sector Is Poised For An Unprecedented Round Of M&A.

By: Ainsley Brown With a 50% fall in prices over the past 18 months, coupled with lower subsidies coming from Europe, the global photo-voltaic (PV) sector is poised for dramatic change. Look for a wave of mergers and acquisitions lead by either large US or Chinese firms. Most of the targets, consisting of smaller companies who can no longer produce

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Australia To Review Tax Laws On Islamic Finance

By: Ainsley Brown When an industry approaches being worth close to a trillion dollars it can no longer be considered a passing fancy or fad – Islamic banking and finance (IBF) is real and is as much a part of the global financial system as “conventional” finance. It is this realization that has prompted Australia to conduct a review of

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Earth Day

From us here at Commercial Law International: Have a Happy Earth Day. Let’s all work together for a prosperous and sustainable future. Related Posts:Plastics are being banned globally, come find out whereBlockchain technology: a sustainability tool for agricultureThe law as a economic development tool: a personal insightWhen may development be considered a dirty word?Innovation may just be the solution

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