Can Hip-Hop Music Teach Lessons About Business?

Can Hip-Hop Music Teach Lessons About Business? This is not as ludicrous a question as it might seem at first, just keep reading –by the way the pun was well intended; if you didn’t spot it don’t worry about it.

The answer to the above question is a resounding YES. But you don’t have to take my word for it just listen to a leading Silicon Valley venture capitalist – Ben Horowitz.

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Regulatory deficiencies impacting on Anti Money Laundering measures

By Charles Wanguhu Kenya currently risks being black listed by the OECD Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as a jurisdiction with key deficiencies in the control against money laundering. The other two countries on the list: the People’s Republic of North Korea and Iran. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body tasked with the development and promotion

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Jamaica Continues Apace to Become an International Financial Service Centre

Image rights generally speaking are intellectual property rights that are intended to protect the use of a person’s name, personality, distinctiveness, likeness and even gestures. Guernsey’s law, set to become active just in time for the London Olympics, will allow sports stars and other individual that derive a considerable part of their income from the exploitation of their image to better – from a tax and asset management perspective – manage the income from their image. For example the law would allow an “image individual” to separate the income they earn directly from doing their jobs and those gained from the use of their image.

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Canada Ranked #1 Place To Do Business By Forbes in 2011 but what about 2012?

Canada with its $1.6 trillion economy ranks the 9th largest in the world in fact moved up from its 4th place showing to grab the number one spot – no mean feat given the economic climate and the stiff competition out there. One factor that helped Canada move up was the ability of its major banks and financial system to weather the global financial meltdown. The stability of the Canadian financial system comes as no accident but is the result of some very prudent and stringent regulations making the financial houses in Canada conservative by nature.

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The case of Luis Vuitton and the responsibilities of server owners to protect copyright and trademark rights

The decision highlights the responsibility of server providers to regulate their usage and make sure that any usage which breaches copyright or trademark rights must be dealt with or they can be held liable for any breach of copyright or trademark law. Owners of servers must be extremely vigilant of the activities of the users of its servers.

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Beer Wars: Battle Of The Buds, The UK Front

The long and short of it is that this latest ruling is the latest chapter in a multi-volume epic battle. It is a story about a 100 year war, a cross border beer war, over a name. Yes, that’s what I said a name. From a business perspective it’s all about fiercely defending the brand and marketing of beer and beer related products under that brand. From a legal perspective it is a global trademark war.

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Hooters and Twin Peaks, what’s the difference

In what has been deemed by some commentators as the battle of the breastaurants, for all the obvious reasons, the suit is actually between Hooters and one of its former executives whom it accuses of taking its trade secrets before his departure. Double entendres aside trade secrets and the alleged taking of them are no joke. Trade secrets are the life blood of a company as they represent a major if not the sum total of a business’s competitive advantage.

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Kenya Trending on Twitter

By Kamau Wanguhu Ardent twitterzens will have noticed in the past two days two distinct Kenyan topics that have been trending: firstly the passing on of Prof Wangari Maaathai a Nobel peace prize winner, great conservationist and former Member of Parliament. Secondly has been #Things stronger than the Kenyan shilling, a tongue in cheek commentary on the tanking of the Kenyan

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