Jamaica’s special economic zone framework designed to support private sector SEZ development

Greater involvement of the private sector in the development of zones reduces the burden placed on public resources and increases the efficiency of zones by allowing them to operate under market mechanisms. International experience reveals that a significant number of governments developed and managed zones have been less effective than their private counterparts. In order to facilitate private development of zones, an appropriate legal, regulatory and institutional framework should be in place. The Government’s main role would be to regulate economic zone activities, promote the zone regime, and aggressively identify, assemble, and make available land suitable for development through PPPs or JVs or private development.

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How G20 nations can help young entrepreneurs with their businesses

Looking at the latest media coverage, one comes to the conclusion that it is “en vogue” to be an entrepreneur as a young person. In fact, digitization offers young people as many opportunities as ever to start a business and to do business, even across borders. Governments and organizations are also happy to make contact with young entrepreneurs and meet

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A business component roadmap to Jamaica’s logistics centered economy

How is the Hub being implemented? What are the timelines? What is the economic value proposition? What type of industries will be attracted to the hub? What strategy will be used to attract the leading global companies? How will the hub be financed? What are the opportunities for local businesses?

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International Financial Services: Dubai and Abu Dhabi authorities collaborate

This collaboration has at the heart of it the application of the highest global standards, standards which are being used as a means to maintaining competitiveness. Given the greater scrutiny that jurisdictions that operate international financial services centres have come under in recent times expect to see more of these types of collaborations.

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When a veto is not just a veto – Is the US undermining the WTO?

The importance of the Appellate Body to the WTO and the whole global trading system cannot be over stated. It is the ability, and one could argue a key distinguishing feature, of the WTO as the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to effectively resolve trade disputes between its members that underpin the global trading system.

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