The new “Digital Council” in Germany — Panel of “warm words” or powerful council of experts?

The digital transformation offers enormous opportunities for the people in Germany and for society. In order for everyone to be able to participate, the federal government of Germany must set the right political course. But this is exactly what has been the problem in recent years: too little impetus, too hesitant action, too small initiatives. But now everything should be

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The 2017 G20 YEA Communiqué — Recommendations for Strengthening International Youth Entrepreneurship (And Fighting Unemployment)

The world needs a more innovative approach for global growth and employment. Growth is slowing down and unemployment, especially among youth, is rising or remaining at a high level. Demographic changes, technological advances and increased mobility are profoundly changing the world of work and are expected to do so even more in the future. A concrete solution emerges now more

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