How cities can become startup hotspots (p.1) Conditions that are necessary for a lively startup community

When it comes to the hotspots of the startup scene, most think of Silicon Valley, London and Berlin or Paris and Stockholm. And that´s it pretty much. However, it is often forgotten that every city can basically develop a lively start-up community — and the ingredients for that are not that hard to spot. As one of the founding members of “Gründen@Würzburg”,

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The lack of a start-up culture in Germany and how to change that!

A vibrant entrepreneurial culture is an important part of the business environment in every country – and that is particularly true for Germany. To encourage more people to start a business society must succeed – as a basis for further steps – in improving the public opinion about start-up entrepreneurs (and about entrepreneurs in general) so that entrepreneurship becomes a legitimate, respected and desirable option as a career opportunity.

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