What is an Economic Engagement Network and why is it important to your business?

Countries enter agreements between each other all the time for a variety of things. A burning question businesses frequently ask is how do they impact (positive or negative) me? For an Economic Engagement Network: the value is in the connections. In order to leverage this network and create value or mitigate any negatives for your business requires a total mindset change. Rather than viewing these agreements in isolation and disconnected I invite you to start viewing these agreements as networks and platforms that support global value chains.

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asphalt balance blur close up

Aligning business, physical and governance models critical for special economic zone success

In order for zone regimes and the investors they attract to set themselves up for the best success – have a go at it – much will depend on the regime’s design, the implementation of this design and its responsiveness to changing global investment and trade trends. What is more, both policymakers and investors alike in doing so have to make sure that their business models, physical designs and governance structures of their special economic zone are all aligned.

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Global Economic Governance as a chess game

Special Economic Zones and Global Economic Governance: Jamaica’s Economic Independence

Jamaica’s SEZ Regime, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic has become an island of calm in a turbulent ocean. The SEZ Regime represents for Jamaica’s economic independence a policy instrument that creates safe haven for near shore manufacturing, logistics, distribution, outsourcing services, etc ready to serve the 1-billion-person market in the Americas and beyond.

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Jamaica Special Economic Zone logo supporting the logistics hub

Understanding the functions of documents submitted to the Jamaica Special Economic Zone Authority

The Jamaica Special Economic Zone Authority (JSEZA) in its special economic zone (SEZ) application process requires applicants’ to submit a variety of documents, come get a better understanding of what those documents are and their role and importance in the JSEZA application process.

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