The case of Luis Vuitton and the responsibilities of server owners to protect copyright and trademark rights

The decision highlights the responsibility of server providers to regulate their usage and make sure that any usage which breaches copyright or trademark rights must be dealt with or they can be held liable for any breach of copyright or trademark law. Owners of servers must be extremely vigilant of the activities of the users of its servers.

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Kenya Trending on Twitter

By Kamau Wanguhu Ardent twitterzens will have noticed in the past two days two distinct Kenyan topics that have been trending: firstly the passing on of Prof Wangari Maaathai a Nobel peace prize winner, great conservationist and former Member of Parliament. Secondly has been #Things stronger than the Kenyan shilling, a tongue in cheek commentary on the tanking of the Kenyan

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Australia’s National Consumer Protection Law Comes Into Effect

By: Ainsley Brown Talk about kicking off the New Year with a bang: it is official as of January 1, 2011 Australia now has its first national Consumer Law. The new law ushers in a comprehensive national consumer protection regime that mandates quick remedies – repair, replace, refund – to customer complaints.  It replaces a patchwork of 20 national, State

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