Is Government procurement a non fiscal incentive?
Government Procurement contracts is a very powerful, and yet often untapped, policy leaver to drive economic growth and development.
“Commercial Awareness Is Global.”
Countries enter agreements between each other all the time for a variety of things. A burning question businesses frequently ask is how do they impact (positive or negative) me? For an Economic Engagement Network: the value is in the connections. In order to leverage this network and create value or mitigate any negatives for your business requires a total mindset change. Rather than viewing these agreements in isolation and disconnected I invite you to start viewing these agreements as networks and platforms that support global value chains.
Government Procurement contracts is a very powerful, and yet often untapped, policy leaver to drive economic growth and development.
Countries enter agreements between each other all the time for a variety of things. A burning question businesses frequently ask is how do they impact (positive or negative) me? For an Economic Engagement Network: the value is in the connections. In order to leverage this network and create value or mitigate any negatives for your business requires a total mindset change. Rather than viewing these agreements in isolation and disconnected I invite you to start viewing these agreements as networks and platforms that support global value chains.
There are principally three reasons why Jamaica changed its Zone Regime from Free Zone to SEZ and these are 1.WTO compliance, 2. IMF Agreement and 3.Improving Jamaica’s global competitiveness.
In order for zone regimes and the investors they attract to set themselves up for the best success - have a go at it - much will depend on the regime's design, the implementation of this design and its responsiveness to changing global investment and trade trends. What is more, both policymakers and investors alike in doing so have to make sure that their business models, physical designs and governance structures of their special economic zone are all aligned.
An Economic Engagement Network is about how nations can improve their competitiveness by finding and creating value through the complex interplay between the various agreements (e.g. trade, investment treaties, double taxation agreements, air service agreements, standards mutual recognition, etc.) that they enter between each other.
This is something I still firmly believe however what I have come to learn, understand and appreciate, thanks Lee Kuan Yew, is that that ‘proper role for government’ or as a private citizen has to be tempered with a degree of pragmatism. A part of this means putting your ideas out there and stimulating dialog.
The global economic governance system not only limits but at times directs policy choice/options of policy makers especially in the developing world. It will come as no surprise then that policy makers ands investors alike take a keen interest in this system.
Economic Regulation provides...the he ‘visible hand’ guiding and enabling the special economic zone (SEZ) ecosystem to work more effectively to achieving the stated economic development objectives of a SEZ Programme.
In December in 2020 I published an article in Jamaica’s oldest and largest newspaper, the Gleaner, under the title: COVID Has Made Every Firm A Safety Business. What follows is the original article with bonus materials. “For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.” Eleanor Everet I spotted and read an article in May of this year… Continue reading "Living with COVID means every business has to be a safety business"